25 Common Questions People Ask About Life Coaching

As we navigate the complexities of life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of which direction to take. That’s where life coaching comes in.

I personally turned to life coaching when I felt stuck and lost. This was even after years of consuming countless self-help books and podcasts and years of practicing yoga and mindfulness techniques. I have no problem taking action on the suggested practices I read (my husband will let you know this is one of my superpowers 🦸🏻‍♀️)! And yet, I still felt like something was missing, I no longer felt my spark for life. This was when I turned to coaching for a personalized, individualized approach to the transformation I was seeking. Life coaching led me to recognize disempowering parts of myself that were shielding my true essence from the world. It led me to have self-compassion and to recognize the coping mechanisms I developed as a child were holding me back rather than propelling me forward.

Life coaching can offer guidance and support in identifying your goals, overcoming obstacles, and creating a life that’s meaningful and fulfilling. If you’re considering life coaching, you may have questions such as “What does a life coach do?”, “How much does it cost”, or “What can I expect?”. This blog post will help answer 25 common questions people ask about life coaching.

  1. What is life coaching?

    • Life coaching is a collaborative and goal-oriented process that empowers you to identify and achieve your personal and/or professional aspirations. We focus on the present and the future, helping you navigate the challenges, obstacles, and struggles getting in the way of you achieving your goals. The overall goal is to enhance your overall well-being and realize your highest, most authentic, fulfilled, and meaningful self.

    • Think of it as if you’re the driver of a car and I’m the passenger. While you’re driving, you may miss some sights or obstacles along the way. What I’m there for is to point out those things you may not be aware of and explore them with you to get to the destination in an easeful way.

  2. How is life coaching different from therapy or counseling?

    • Therapy is a clinical, medical intervention that addresses mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. It provides a supportive environment for individuals to explore and resolve past issues that may be impacting their present lives.

    • Some clients go to both therapy and coaching, which can provide comprehensive support for their mental health and personal growth goals. It’s important to assess what you need to achieve your specific goals.

  3. Who can benefit from life coaching?

    • Anyone who is seeking personal growth, clarity, and direction. It can be particularly helpful if you’re:

      • Struggling to define or pursue goals

      • Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current circumstances

      • Experiencing challenges in your relationships or careers

      • Seeking to improve your communication, decision-making, or time-management skills

      • Looking for support and guidance during transitions

  4. What should I expect from a life coaching session?

    • Typical sessions with me are 60 minutes. During the session, we will engage in a structured conversation to explore your goals, challenges, and aspirations. I will utilize a variety of techniques such as active listening, open-ended powerful questioning, and reflective exercises to help you gain self-awareness, identify underlying blindspots or patterns, and develop strategies for achieving your desired outcomes.

    • I'm also a certified human design reader, so if that's your jam and you're open to it, I utilize this tool to help speed up finding your purpose, the gifts you're meant to share with the world, how to use your energy efficiently, how to tune into your intuition, and find radical self-acceptance.

  5. How long does it take to see results from life coaching?

    • The timeframe for seeing noticeable results from life coaching varies depending on your goals, commitment, and the complexity of the challenges you’re addressing. However, many clients experience positive shifts within a few sessions, gaining clarity, motivation, and a sense of empowerment. Consistent effort and engagement throughout the coaching process are crucial for achieving lasting and meaningful outcomes.

  6. How much does life coaching cost?

    • Generally, individual coaching sessions range from $100 to $300 per hour. Some coaches offer packages or group coaching options, which may provide a more cost-effective approach.

    • For my current rates and personalized package options, please contact me directly. I believe clients experience the most significant benefits from a series of sessions, allowing for a deeper transformation and lasting personal growth.

  7. Is life coaching covered by insurance?

    • Life coaching is typically not covered by traditional health insurance plans. However, some employee assistance programs (EAPs) may offer life coaching benefits.

    • Folks of the global majority, please contact me if finances are a barrier to receiving coaching. There may be sliding scale options available to accommodate your situation.

  8. What are the benefits of life coaching?

    • Life coaching offers a range of benefits that can enrich your personal and professional growth. These include:

      • Increased self-awareness and understanding of your values, strengths, and areas for development leading to greater meaning and fulfillment in life

      • Enhanced goal setting and achievement through clear action plans and strategies

      • Improved communication skills, laying the foundation for stronger relationships and conflict resolution

      • Increased confidence, self-esteem, and belief in your abilities resulting in inner peace and clarity

      • Reduced stress and anxiety through stress management techniques and mindfulness practices, generating more groundedness and resilience

  9. What are some red flags to watch out for in a life coach?

    • When choosing a life coach, be cautious of individuals who exhibit the following red flags:

      • Unrealistic promises or guarantees of quick or effortless success.

      • Disregard for your boundaries or personal values.

      • Overemphasis on self-promotion or personal agenda rather than your goals.

      • If you don’t feel safe with them, they make you feel ashamed, judged, small in any way

  10. What are some green flags to look for in a life coach?

    • In my opinion, the most important factor is if you feel safe with your coach. If there’s trust and safety, it will lead you to be more open and vulnerable, which will allow you to quickly dive deeper and create the changes you're wishing for yourself and your life.

  11. How can I make the most of my life coaching experience?

    • To make the most of life coaching, set clear goals, be open and honest with your coach, actively participate, complete action plans, hold yourself accountable, practice self-compassion, communicate regularly, be patient and persistent, seek additional resources, and enjoy the process.

  12. How often should I meet with my life coach?

    • The frequency of life coaching sessions depends on your individual needs, goals, and preferences. That being said, I recommend meeting every 1-2 weeks to maintain momentum, accountability, and progress. As you gain clarity and confidence, you may decide to space out sessions (every 3-4 weeks) or transition to occasional check-ins.

  13. What should I do between life coaching sessions?

    • Consistent effort and engagement between sessions are essential for achieving lasting results from life coaching. Here are some effective strategies:

      • Reflect on your coaching sessions: Review key takeaways and action steps to reinforce your understanding and commitment.

      • Apply the strategies and techniques discussed in coaching sessions: Practice new behaviors, skills, or mindsets in your daily life.

      • Track your progress and celebrate your achievements: Monitor your growth and acknowledge your accomplishments along the way.

      • Reach out to your coach for support or guidance when needed: Utilize their expertise to address challenges or refine your strategies.

  14. How can I measure the success of my life coaching experience?

    • Measuring the success of life coaching is subjective and depends on your individual goals and expectations. However, some common indicators of progress include:

      • Increased clarity and focus on your goals

      • Greater self-awareness and understanding of your strengths and areas for development

      • Improved decision-making and problem-solving skills

      • Enhanced communication and interpersonal relationships

      • Greater sense of confidence, self-esteem, and empowerment

      • Achievement of specific personal or professional goals

  15. What if I don't "click" with my life coach?

    • The coach-client relationship is essential for successful life coaching. If you don't feel a connection or trust with your coach, it's perfectly acceptable to seek out another professional. Communication and honesty are crucial in this process.

  16. What is the difference between life coaching and mentoring?

    • While both life coaching and mentoring provide guidance and support, they differ in their approach and focus. Life coaching is more goal-oriented and focuses on empowering individuals to identify and achieve their personal aspirations.

    • Mentoring, on the other hand, involves guidance and support from a more experienced individual who shares their knowledge and expertise in a specific field or area of expertise.

  17. What are some ethical considerations in life coaching?

    • Life coaches adhere to a set of ethical guidelines to ensure client confidentiality, maintain professional boundaries, and avoid conflicts of interest. These guidelines are outlined in the ICF Code of Ethics and other professional standards.

  18. What are some common misconceptions about life coaching?

    • Myth: Coaches give advice

      • Fact: Coaches, trained at ICF-accredited institutions are actually trained not to give advice. What works for me and my life and experiences, no matter how similar it may appear to be to yours, still may not work for you! This is where the holistic view of you comes in. There may be idea generating, and brainstorming, but at the end of the day, our sessions are directed by you and you only and you have full control and agency with the actions and choices you make.

    • Myth: Life coaching is a quick fix or a magic bullet for solving all problems.

      • Fact: Life coaching is a process requiring effort, commitment, and consistent action.

    • Myth: Life coaches are therapists or counselors.

      • Fact: Life coaches focus on future-oriented goal setting and personal development, while therapists address mental health concerns and past issues.

    • Myth: Life coaching is only for people with problems or challenges.

      • Fact: Life coaching can benefit anyone seeking personal growth, clarity, and direction.

  19. What are some tips for preparing for a life coaching session?

    • To make the most of your life coaching sessions, consider these preparation tips:

      • Reflect on your goals and aspirations: Identify what you want to achieve and what challenges you're facing.

      • Come prepared with specific topics or questions: Have a list of points you want to discuss or areas you seek guidance on.

      • Be open and honest with your coach: Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without hesitation.

      • Arrive on time and be present: Respect the coaching timeframe and avoid distractions.

  20. What is the role of homework or action steps in life coaching?

    • I personally don’t prefer the term “homework”. Brings me back to school 😅. Let’s call them “experiments”. Sometimes there may be some suggested and agreed-upon activities in between sessions. The role is to experiment with different tools to see if there’s something that sticks and resonates with you. Again, this is consented to by you as always.

  21. How can I maintain motivation and accountability between life coaching sessions?

    • Maintaining motivation and accountability is essential for sustained progress. Here are some strategies:

      • Set realistic goals and break them down into smaller steps.

      • Track your progress and celebrate your achievements.

      • Enlist the support of friends, family, or a mentor.

      • Reflect on your goals and motivations regularly.

      • Schedule regular check-ins with your coach for guidance and support.

  22. Is life coaching a regulated profession, and how can I ensure the credibility of a life coach?

    • Life coaching is not universally regulated, allowing for a diverse range of practitioners with both traditional and non-traditional backgrounds. While some life coaches may hold certifications from reputable organizations or have completed accredited training, others may have acquired their skills through practical experience or personal development.

    • To ensure the credibility of a life coach, I encourage you to thoroughly research their background, considering factors such as education, training, and client testimonials. It's important to recognize that effectiveness in life coaching can come from various paths, and personal values and goals alignment, along with a strong client-coach connection, play a crucial role in determining the right fit, irrespective of the coach's educational or certification status.

  23. What is the confidentiality policy in life coaching sessions?

    • I adhere to a strict confidentiality policy ensuring the privacy of your information. I commit to keeping all discussions, information, and personal details disclosed during sessions confidential, except in cases where there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.

    • However, please be aware the Coach-Client relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions), and thus communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege.

  24. Can I return to coaching with the same coach later on?

    • Absolutely! I believe in fostering long-term relationships with my clients, and you are always welcome to return to coaching with me whenever you feel the need for additional support or guidance. Whether it's to explore new goals, navigate life transitions, or simply for ongoing personal development, I am here to assist you on your journey.

    • Returning clients can allow for a deeper understanding and more effective collaboration. Please feel free to reach out whenever you're ready to resume coaching, and we can discuss your current priorities and how we can continue working together to achieve your desired outcomes.

  25. What are some resources for continuing personal development beyond life coaching?

    • Life coaching can serve as a springboard for ongoing personal growth. Here are some additional resources to explore:

      • Self-help books and podcasts: Discover new insights and strategies from a variety of sources.

      • Personal development workshops and seminars: Attend in-person or online events to expand your knowledge and skills.

      • Inspirational blogs and articles: Stay motivated and inspired by reading about others' journeys and achievements.

    • For some of my personal recommendations, check out my resources page

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. I hope you feel empowered in the next step of your journey. Life coaching can serve as a catalyst for profound personal transformation and growth, and if you’re reading and feeling like it’s time for your transformation, I invite you to listen to that nudge and schedule a complimentary coaching session with me.

Thank you for reading!


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