How to Practice Self-Love (Inspired by the 5 Love Languages)

This is for those of ya’ll who have not been prioritizing yourselves and giving yourself some TLC like you give others in your lives.

If we’re always giving to others without giving to ourselves, this can lead to burnout, resentment, and frustration. However, if we balance giving with receiving from others and ourselves, it can be for preventative purposes.

I invite you to give yourself permission to be on the receiving end of the love you so easily give to others. And if you’re still feeling guilty for it, a reframe I’d like to offer is treating self-love practices as being productive. Let me explain.

It’s productive because if we don’t take part in these practices and routines, and if it leads us to burnout, then from a place of burnout, we’re pretty much incapacitated, taking time to recover from it. What’s actually more effective is having a routine where we nourish and refresh ourselves, preventing burnout, leading us to be more productive in our lives, and allowing us to maintain and even increase the energy needed to do what we want and need to do to move forward.

I had so much fun making this list! I hope you enjoy it and you find something that makes you want to take action, now!

Words of Affirmation

  • Write yourself a letter from you as a child

  • Write yourself a letter from your future, older, wiser self

  • Write down affirmations (“I am” statements) for a dose of what you’re needing

  • Listen to audio recordings of affirmations (my favorite is Affirmation Pod)

  • Ask loved ones for words of encouragement and add what they say to a “Hype File” 💌

Quality Time

  • Practice yoga and meditation. Do a solo activity that feels nourishing and refreshing.

  • Read a book while sipping your favorite tea 🍵

  • Spend a day following what you feel like doing (avoid any “should” activities) - visit a bookstore in an interesting neighborhood. Go to a cafe and people watch from the window.

  • Dedicate time to a passionate, creative project that you’ve been meaning to start

Acts of Service

  • Cook yourself a lovely meal or order yourself takeout 🥡

  • Tidy up your space and enjoy the feeling of a clean home

  • Draw yourself a relaxing bath and visualize your stress washing away 🛀🏻

Physical Touch

  • Give yourself a massage, focusing on your most tense areas

  • Take a dance class or dance privately at home. Allow your body to freely move. (My faves have been ecstatic dance meet-ups and pole dancing)

  • Wear clothing that’s soft and comfortable. Feel the fabrics against your skin.

  • Explore and connect with your body in a safe and loving way.


  • Treat yourself to a “want” item rather than a need 🛍️

  • Take yourself to a unique outing such as a concert, a new restaurant, or a day trip somewhere

  • Invest in personal growth tools such as a new journal, a coaching package, or a workshop

Remember to tailor these ideas to your own interests and needs. What would make you feel most loved and appreciated? Choose activities or come up with your own that you genuinely look forward to and that will leave you feeling taken care of and feeling refreshed and renewed.

Now, if you’re at a place where gifting yourself these things feels icky, guilt-ridden, and shameful and you still don’t feel comfortable prioritizing loving on yourself, I invite you to consider a coaching relationship, where we can work together to accelerate your self-love and personal growth journey. Schedule a free consultation to learn more.


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