Finding Ease & Flow Through Layoffs: A Mindset Shift

As a life coach who supports BIPOC professional women, I know how devastating and disheartening a job layoff can be. Layoffs can feel like a major setback, especially in a world where we're often so closely identified with our work.

The stress of a layoff can trigger our biggest inner critics, known in the Positive Intelligence world as "saboteurs." Our Judge saboteur might come in hot, criticizing us for the layoff or comparing us harshly to those who kept their jobs.

Ease and Flow for the Hyperachiever

If you're a hyperachiever, it can be especially difficult to slow down. The urge to jump right back into work may be overwhelming. But instead of feeding your Hyperachiever, consider this analogy: Even a top-performing NASCAR driver needs pit stops to refuel, change tires, and ultimately finish the race strong. In the same way, taking the time to find ease and flow during this unexpected pause is your pit stop. It's a chance to recharge and recalibrate so you can emerge from this experience stronger and better positioned for long-term success.

Instead of Brutality, Choose Empathy and the Wisdom of Your Sage

It's easy to fall into a self-defeating cycle of judgment and negativity. But instead of being brutal with ourselves, what if we chose empathy?

Your Sage – that inner part of you with access to wisdom, clarity, and compassion – will remind you that layoffs happen for many reasons outside of your control. Your Sage knows your worth and believes in your abilities.

Sage Training: Reframing the Layoff Experience

Can we choose to see this time as "Sage training" rather than a judgment-filled victimhood experience? Here are some Sage reframes:

  • Severance as Security: If you received a severance package, appreciate that this offers temporary security while you thoughtfully seek a job that may be an even better fit. Your Sage knows the perfect next opportunity awaits.

  • Time as a Gift: Use this unexpected time wisely. Your Sage sees new possibilities. You might explore neglected passions, finally take that online course, or volunteer for a cause you care about.

  • Lean on Your Community: If there's no severance, your Sage knows it's okay to accept help. Allow friends, family, and your network to support you, both practically and emotionally. There's strength in vulnerability.

Additional Sage Affirmations and Reframes

  • “This unexpected break allows me to focus on skill development and learning new things, making me a stronger candidate in the future.”

  • “Success isn't just defined by my job. This time allows me to prioritize other areas like family, health, or personal goals.”

  • “While unplanned, this situation allows me to explore different career options I might not have considered before, leading me to a more fulfilling path.”

  • “Despite the challenges, I'm grateful for the time with family and loved ones, and the opportunity to reflect on what I truly want in my next career step.”

Beyond the Saboteurs: A Path Towards Possibility

Layoffs are hard, and it's normal to feel sad, angry, or scared. It takes courage to move through difficult emotions and shift towards a mindset of possibility. Remember, your career journey is far from over. This pause might be the unexpected catalyst for an exciting new chapter! The next step could be the career you've always dreamed of.

If reading the Sage affirmations and reframes was challenging, your saboteurs might be super aggressive right now. If you want further guidance to manage your saboteurs and harness your Sage powers during this time, please reach out. I'm here to support you!


From Saboteurs to Sages: The Revolution of Empowerment in Positive Intelligence


Sustainable Happiness: Recognizing What’s Holding Me Back