Sustainable Happiness: Recognizing What’s Holding Me Back

Learning about all the ways we self-sabotage is like discovering a secret code to understand ourselves better – and trust me, it's a game-changer! Let's dive into the realm of Saboteurs, those sneaky little beezies that can mess with our mojo. As I share a snippet of my own story, I hope it brings a sprinkle of inspiration and some aha moments in yourself 👇🏼

Avoider: I was a queen at dodging uncomfortable convos! Yeah, I've been there, letting things simmer (truthfully, pushing them to the back of a dark closet) instead of dealing with them. Not the best move, trust me.

Controller: Who doesn't love a bit of control, right? Well, turns out, loosening the grip a bit did wonders for my relationships, especially in my marriage. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Hyper-Achiever: Ah, the burnout blues – been there, done that, got the t-shirt multiple times. Even sent me to the ER. Finding that sweet spot between ambition and self-care? Now that's the real achievement.

Hyper-Rationale: Ever find yourself stuck in analysis paralysis? Embracing a mix of heart and logic has made decision-making way more fun and less stressful.

Hyper-Vigilant: Always preparing for the worst? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Guilty as charged! Letting go of the constant worry has been like swapping out a heavy backpack for a helium balloon – much lighter!

Pleaser: Pleasing others at the expense of self? Classic move. Learning to set boundaries turned out to be transformational for my well-being. Who knew?

Stickler: Perfectionism, we've all been there. But hey, progress over perfection is where the magic happens. Celebrate those wins, big or small! Repeat after me: “It’s good enough”.

Restless: The perpetual need for activity? Doing endless chores and activities to avoid difficult emotions? Finding joy in stillness and a bit of mindfulness – that's my newfound happy place.

Victim: Feeling helpless during tough times? Been there, done that, and it triggered some health issues. Recognizing the victim mindset has been like turning on the superhero mode in my life.

Did any of these Saboteurs sound familiar to you? It’s okay, so very human of you. Understanding these saboteurs is not about playing the blame game. It's about being kind to ourselves and becoming more self-aware. Living through the saboteur lens can make us chase the wrong goals, focus on the wrong things, and impact our mental and physical health. Shifting towards the "sage" mindset, as PQ (Positive Intelligence) teaches us, has brought more ease to my daily life than I ever imagined.

As a life coach, I've tried various tools, but Positive Intelligence stole the spotlight. It was like the missing piece of the puzzle, helping me bounce back to my doctor role after a sabbatical, supporting me in my marriage, and empowering me to regain the confidence to teach yoga. If my journey resonates with you, I invite you to hop on the Positive Intelligence train to see how having a mental fitness practice can benefit you.

Schedule a free consultation with me and together, let's evaluate your top Saboteurs through the free assessment. Let’s uncover the awesome potential within you and embark on a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling and balanced life. ✨


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